I’ve been getting a lot of questions about our travel/living plans lately so I thought I’d clear it up a bit.
I think by now everyone knows we lived in an Airstream for a long time, and traveled the country, and then arrived in Austin and felt it was time to take a breather.
For a while, it seemed like we’d sell the camper and settle down in this desert city hugged by the Colorado River.
I simply cannot/will not extinguish the wildfire inside of me. I long for hair that smells like campfire and hanging clothes to dry on tree branches after long after dark lake swims. I long for road trips with the windows down, getting lost entirely on purpose. I long for 25-feet of living space, all cramped in and cozy, on rainy mornings. I am not ready to ‘settle down.’
So here’s the scoop.
In 10 days we will travel with our beloved Airstream up to New England. We will be there, exploring, camping and shooting, all Spring + Summer.
Then, we will come back to our sweet little bungalow in downtown Austin, TX and focus on watering our roots: hockey practices and ballet recitals and catching lightning bugs in jam jars under the front yard oak.
For inquiries:
2014 is booked completely, with a few Austin openings in November.
I am booking weddings, and River Story sessions, for 2015 + 2016 in both locations.
Here’s to answering the call of adventure, no matter what…