Jean // River Story

In a few days she will be 50. This is what she wanted for her Birthday.



This session took place exactly one week after River Story was launched. It was so magical standing in the river knowing, for sure, that the book was a reality.

I believe SO much in this beautiful work, and I truly want to see as many women reached by these healing stories as possible.

Our stretch goal is to get to $20,000 by October 20th.

For every $2,000 mark we hit (14K, 16K…) we are doing awesome backers-only drawings with seriously fantastic prizes. When we hit $20,000, every backer who gave $60 or more will receive a bonus, beautiful reward! So much gratitude!

Here we go tribe, let’s keep these waters moving!

f a c e b o o k
I n s t a g r a m