Sometimes I hear people say, “I just really want the perfect family picture!” And I totally get it (no, really, I do) but I have to share these two images and just say:
I had this brilliant idea that us jumping on the water trampoline together would make the best pictures EVER. And then I looked at them, and they were ALL a hot mess. At one point someone might have even gotten punched in the side of the head by accident.
(Can’t believe I am even sharing them on here!)
But as imperfect and awful as they are, they make us all laugh so hard every single time we look at them (bahaha Poor Lily! Look at Braedon! Why is Mom doing karate in her own world?!); and they really ARE the perfect family picture because we are kind of a ridiculous bunch together.
I guess what I’m saying is, these pictures are nothing like I had imagined, but they are exactly what I needed and sometimes it’s not about a perfectly pretty planned picture.
I can’t wait for B and Lily to share these with their kids and belly laugh at them together, too…