Linen Album

The winter months might seem slow for an outdoor wedding photographer, but not around here!

While we might not be out shooting love stories each weekend, these months are filled to the brim with dreaming and growing and building and manifesting.

One of the beautiful things we have been so excited to release in 2013, is our new linen option for our signature album!

So clean and timeless. When choosing the new cover treatment, we wanted to be sure it was still completely timeless. It is SO important to us that you love your album today as much as you will 85 years from now.

The perfect mix of substance (with the ultra thick pages and sturdy hand-binding) and understated beauty (with the slightly textured linen cover).

Welcome to the family linen album. We are so happy you’re here!

f a c e b o o k
I n s t a g r a m