
“I was amazed to find that I had no idea how to unfold my spiritual life in a feminine way. I was surprised, and, in fact, a little terrified, when I found myself in the middle of a feminist spiritual reawakening.” Sue Monk Kidd



There are so many of us reclaiming our Truths. One shutter, or paint stroke, or poetic stanza at a time.

We are creative women, wild women, women who can feel, actually feel, the fire inside, raging and glowing.

And we aren’t slowing down (not this time). And we aren’t shutting up (not anymore). And we are most certainly not alone (not at all).

I hold this dream, this intention, so strong: To shut down my computer, to turn off my phone, and to gather together in breathtaking forests and eat incredible foods and laugh around the campfire, and paint, and sculpt, and pick flowers , and replace the uncertainty with sisterhood, and replace the fear with friendship. I promise it’s coming. So soon.




f a c e b o o k
I n s t a g r a m