Taking The Leap

The longer you wait for the future, the shorter it will be.

This image. This simple iphone capture right here. It looks like nothing. It looks like no big deal, some guy standing at his computer. So what?

But this image. This is everything.

This is the culmination of two years of kicking and screaming and fearing and doubt. This is the culmination of countless hours stuck in a cubical with a breaking heart and a back pocket filled with dreams and wishes.

This is Thomas hitting ‘send’ on his letter of resignation from his day job.

This is us, with our faces to the sunshine and our arms open wide, shouting, at the top of our lungs, “Yes!”

(People are asking me, “What’s next!?” Big, beautiful things are coming and as much as I want to announce them right this very second, it’s juuuuust not time yet. Almost. So close. For now I just want to be completely open and share this incredible process!)





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I n s t a g r a m