Hey! You!

Yes, you. The one who dreams of bigger, better, more vibrant realities. The one who feels stuck, or wants more, or just loves to learn and evolve.

Soul shakers. Dream seekers.

I’m talking to you.

This July, I am opening up the doors to my big heart and sharing my secrets for living the life of my dreams. What I have to share is completely unconventional, and some things are borderline outrageous, but what else would you expect from me? All I know is, these things work for me. And I am ready to shout it from the roof tops.

This is a HUGE deal for me. I have long dreamed of sharing my passion with fellow dreamers, but nothing felt right. Nothing felt like the perfect fit.

And then, the clouds parted and the heavens opened (and the night before it launched, I almost passed out from being so nervous!!) and here it is!



Imagine everything you need to make your dreams come true all in one amazing place.

Want to learn how to work your camera? Boom.

Want to learn how to make a killer logo and brand? Boom.

Want to learn how to make your heart sing again? Boom.

Thanks to Jessica Cudzilo and her ingenius heart, it’s all together in one amazing place.

I’m EXTRA super excited about the class I am offering called “Awakening the Spark” because it’s not just for photographers. It’s for anyone and everyone who is ready to find grounding in confidence and reach for the stars.

Let’s shake it up. Let’s get right down to it. It’s time.

I’m keeping my class small and limited so that we can all support, energize and encourage one another to the max.

High (f-ing) five!!


I hear what you are thinking, “Michelle, I’m in love with Define. BUT, these classes cost money. I want to take so many of them, but I don’t have an extra $1000 laying around in my back pocket, sister.”

I’ll save the whole, “If you want it bad enough, you will find a way,” speech for another time. For now, instead, I will respond, “Here ya go!”

I am here to offer you a chance at a beautiful $1000 scholarship to totally dive in and beautify your life with all that DEFINE has to offer.



Now you KNOW if I am promoting something that requires “likes” and “follows” that it must be pretty dang special.

It is.

To enter for your chance to win this incredible scholarship, visit these links:!/thedefineschool

And go crazy. Like, follow, comment, SHARE. You get the deal. The more love you show Define, the better your chances are for winning the $1000.
Part of my heart kind of hurts writing that last sentence. Because in my world, we are all winners, and there are no contests and everyone holds hands and eats all their vegetables and remembers to say Please and Thank You. But at the end of the day, I believe so deeply in the magic of Ms. Cudzilo and what she is bringing to the table, that I’m totally going to encourage you to do this.
Some people never buy cucumber seeds because, in their minds, their garden is already dead. What? How does that even make sense?
Don’t be that person.
Take my class!
Join the amazing community at Define and together, let’s set this world ablaze.
f a c e b o o k
I n s t a g r a m