Category Archives: Personal

New Class!

Teaching is such a deeply rooted passion of mine. It was a 9th grade biology teacher who first introduced me to photography, and even my very first Pentax camera. Being able to give it back, and spill my secrets, and share my guts with the world means SO much to me. Which is why, I am […]

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Milk Bath //

Yesterday I woke up a total Bitch. For no reason at all, I was just 100% grumpy and everything bothered me. So. I called a few friends, asked them to meet me at my empty-for-sale-house with 20 gallons of milk, and we got weird. And it was fun. There’s no rhyme or reason or message here. I […]

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River Story Remix

Here are a few just-for-fun pics of me and Lily, captured by Thomas. Because sometimes, you just have to run to the local grocery store, grab a few roses, duct tape them to a headband and jump into your mom’s apartment complex hot tub wearing a t-shirt that says “Rap Music Makes Me Feel Invincible.”

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Mali-Mish Airstream Family Visit

Even though every session is deeply personal to me, I haven’t shared any personal images from my family life lately. Here are a few from when our friends came to visit the campground. They travel the country in their Airstream with their children too, and it was SO NICE to meet up with another family […]

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Sisterhood Support

The past few days have been filled with so many lessons, and gorgeous unfoldings, and one thing I know for certain is this: The simple act of reaching out to someone and saying, “Hey, let me help you carry that incredible load, so you don’t have to do it all alone anymore,” is profound. I […]

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