Category Archives: Personal


Lately she has been randomly sitting in this one spot of light on the kitchen floor. Today when I asked her  about it, she said, “I can feel Spring coming.” So I have decided to sit in that same spot on the kitchen floor more often, too.

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That Giveaway

“On the eve of the 6th revolution around the sun…thoughts are all about her bones. I have a beautiful urn full of them. A small vile full of them. An even smaller glass tube, full of her ashes mixed with teeny, tiny baby bones. This is where my thoughts are on this night, that 6 […]

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Baby Ben

Lauren and I were best friends as young girls. Memories filled with mix tapes and macaroni and cheese with mustard, and more laughs than I can ever recount. Witnessing my daughter holding her son this week stopped me dead in my tracks. Life is so beautiful.   PS With all of the babies Thomas has been hanging […]

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