Category Archives: WILDlife

Kathy // Under the Harvest Moon

“Sink into yourself, sink into your divine nature,” they said. “The purpose of life is to recognize who you are, to recognize the presence of the Divine everywhere and move below the surface of things, into the flow of knowing…” -Sharon McErlane, Grandmothers Speak

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My Birthday Gift

This will only take a second, she assured me. But then she paused. And then she tilted her head sideways. A few hours later and I was standing at the ultrasound office, paper in hand. “Lump 12:00” written across the top. The sweet old lady at the front desk apologized and said the person who […]

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Jillian + Tim

And the poem on her ribs read: El secreto de todo no existe. Las estrellas son almas que al misterio quisieron escalar. La esencia del misterio las hizo luz de piedra pero no consiguieron internarse en su paz. -Federico Garcia Lorca  

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